A Call To Pro-Life Pastors
It is easy to have a pro-life heart. But we must have a pro-life mind and will. We must be able to defend our beliefs and act accordingly to end abortion. Many Christians have been pro-life for years which has amounted to precisely nothing: no conversations, no activism, nothing. This must change. The Gospel compels us to act, to seek the good of our neighbor, to stop evil and promote that which is good. We cannot just think as a pro-lifer, we must act like one.
Pastors, it is not enough that you are pro-life. Your pulpits must be as well. You must lead the way and equip your people for good works. Do not fear what comes on the other side of an abortion message. I know you have no desire to inflict pain, cause controversy, and make people angry. And I know this because I am pastor. I have felt what you felt.
I know every reason why a pastor cannot preach on abortion much less show the images of one. But I fear the Lord more than man, and I understand my role. And so I acted. Our church preached a humble, respectful, and gospel centered message on abortion. We also showed the images of abortion. We didn’t have any children in the room. We gave people time to look away. And we stressed the beauty of the gospel. We showed the images not to shame, but because we believe in the power of gospel to save and to heal. And the response was overwhelming.
Pastors, will you be bold and do the same. Will you preach a grace filled equipping message on this great evil. If you need help, there is a site with you in mind. The Pro-Life Pastors Initiative is a resource for you and your congregation. It has resources that will help you preach a gospel centered equipping message on abortion that will greatly impact your church. When abortion is preached on with humility and love, the church responds well. It will be a huge win in the life of your church.
Pastors, please act. Please preach on the whole counsel of God. Please equip your people to love their neighbor. Please offer the truth that can set them free from their guilt. Please preach and show the images. Expose this sin and offer the freedom of forgiveness.
Visit the pro-life pastors initiative for resources and more.
Michael C. Sherrard is a pastor, the director of Ratio Christi College Prep, and the author of Relational Apologetics. Booking info and such can be found at michaelcsherrard.com.